5.1 summary
Summary of the planned Partnership. This description may be used by the European Commission and/or the National Agency when providing information on selected projects, so please be clear and precise and do not exceed 200 words.
The partnership will aim at encouraging all project participants in developing their thinking, social, entrepreneurial and leadership skills in preparing for and organising a visit abroad. It will be conducted in the format of a virtual travel agency within which all project participants will be given the opportunity to discuss all aspects of what planning a trip abroad entails. The partnership will promote team work, the importance of making decisions and its impact on the project as well as taking responsibility for the newly set up ‘travel agency’. The school based activities will challenge the project participants into finding out what each participating school’s area and country have to offer, arranging and organising a budget and a programme for the visits. During the two year partnership, participants will be involved in various activities ranging from producing and exchanging different materials such as booklets, presentations, films on the participants’ respective area and cultural events to deciding on a name and a logo for the travel agency as well as visits to the partners’ schools. The project will equip our young people with the necessary life skills that will last a lifetime.
5.3 objectives of the partnership
- What are the concrete objectives of the partnership?
- Explain what subjects or problems you intend to address.
- What approach will you take to achieve your objectives?
Our youngsters are European citizens who are entitled to live, study and work in any of the countries in the European Union. Therefore, we strongly believe that it is essential that our young people are given the opportunities to acquire the basic necessary skills to travel to and to visit a foreign country. The partnership will aim at challenging stereotypes and boosting all participants’ confidence to go and experience time abroad. It will undeniably equip them with the necessary life skills should t
We feel that it is our duty to support our youngsters to overcome the challenges and demands of travelling and visiting a foreign country. The partnership will help us develop strategic activities and get our youngsters to learn first-hand from the experience the partnership will provide. All project participants will be involved in the regular planning and evaluation meetings so they can reflect on the work already carried out and take necessary action to move the project forward.
The work programme is designed to:
- develop all participants’ awareness of the country they live in compared to the country of the other partners so that they can value both the differences and the similarities they have to offer
- encourage all participants to acquire life skills that will last a lifetime by enquiring and using useful information to organise a visit to a foreign country.
- encourage all participants to improve their communication skills with English as a communication tool as well as their language skills when using a language not-taught in their school.
- develop all participants’ ICT skills through the use of various packages, the internet and Moodle to help create an effective online learning community.
- make the project participants acquire the ability to take initiatives and responsibility for the project by developing their entrepreneurial, creativity, life and leadership skills
- learn from the expertise in the local community and develop links with colleges and agencies such as tourist offices, travel agencies and business studies colleges in order to run the project successfully.
Αν υπάρχει κάποιος (α) συνάδελφος σε Γυμνάσιο που ενδιαφέρεται για το παραπάνω πρόγραμμα comenius, μπορεί να επικοινωήσει κατευθείαν με τη συντονίστρια angelique.perrault@voila.fr
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